
Angel Estrada was born in the province of Carchi Ecuador. After spending his first years there, he then moved to the capital, Quito, to continue his education. Over the years he showed an unusual gift for teaching, usually small groups who needed tutoring. He also worked with primary schools organizing small summer courses.

His vocation to become a language teacher stemmed from all this experience; there followed a five year period of higher education, eventually specializing in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.
His dedication, knowledge and experience earned him a position in the prestigious school of languages of the capital, where he worked for 5 years.

He then went on to work in other international institutions, gaining ever more experience in the way in which pupils approach and absorb a foreign language.

Academic qualifications

  • Has taken part in many teaching courses and workshops at the faculty of literature and philology of the University of Quito (Ecuador).
  • Courses: 2 years of English, marketing, human relations and pedagogy.

Professional experience

Teacher of Spanish at

  • Spanish school for foreigners “Nueva Vida”- 5 years
  • Spanish school for foreigners “Institute Indo-America” – 6 years
  • Spanish school for foreigners “Amazonas Spanish School” – 5 years

Professional objectives

He aims to apply all this knowledge and experience, teaching Spanish to beginners or to those who wish to improve their language skills.

He successfully manages to transmit enthusiasm throughout the learning experience to many different types of students seeking to learn Spanish. Angel endeavors to identify the natural aptitudes and skills of each of his students, to then apply these to the learning experience, making it an enjoyable and exciting journey.

He has been living in Mallorca for about twelve years, and his techniques and teaching style have gradually become known by word of mouth. This has led him to open his own school of languages: Academia Mallorca.